Subject Verb Agreement Grade 7 Examples

Subject-verb agreement is an essential aspect of grammar that every grade 7 student should master. It refers to the correct matching of subjects and verbs in a sentence. In essence, the subject and the verb in a sentence must agree in number, which means they must both be either singular or plural.

The following are some examples of subject-verb agreement for grade 7 students:

1. Singular subject and singular verb:

– The cat chases the mouse.

In this sentence, the subject (cat) and the verb (chases) are both singular.

2. Plural subject and plural verb:

– The dogs bark at the mailman.

In this sentence, the subject (dogs) and the verb (bark) are both plural.

3. Compound subject and plural verb:

– Mary and John play basketball after school.

In this sentence, the compound subject (Mary and John) is plural, so the verb (play) must also be plural.

4. Collective noun and singular verb:

– The team wins the game.

In this sentence, the collective noun (team) is singular, so the verb (wins) must also be singular.

5. Singular subject with collective noun and singular verb:

– The flock of geese flies south for the winter.

In this sentence, the subject (flock) is a collective noun, but it is still singular, so the verb (flies) must also be singular.

6. Indefinite pronoun subject and singular or plural verb:

– Everyone knows the rules.

In this sentence, the indefinite pronoun (everyone) is singular, so the verb (knows) must also be singular. However, if the indefinite pronoun is plural, the verb must also be plural. For example, “Many people enjoy swimming in the sea.”

In conclusion, mastering subject-verb agreement is crucial for grade 7 students as it helps them communicate effectively and efficiently. These examples provide a good starting point for students to understand the basic rules of subject-verb agreement. Teachers should also encourage students to practice writing sentences and identify the subject and verb agreement correctly.